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How far would you go for security and stability? Would you consider buying a new passport if it meant that it would secure your future?
Television plays a signiticant role in our lives. While most use auditory and visual senses to truly appreciate television, those who are hearing and visually impaired experience the joys of television from a different spectrum.
Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter, but one that must be taken seriously. But, what if you're a new mama struggling with your supply
A fictional magazine based on factual information regarding pets. The design and content of the magazine was part of an end-of-year project for my multi-media journalism course.
Penguins enjoy life's little luxuries in Ski Dubai, as visitors get a chance to interact with the friendly birds, despite criticism from PETA and other animal activists.
Pet allergies can be aggravating, but it doesn't mean you have to write off pets entirely. In fact, choosing the right animal and some lifestyle adjustments might just be the answer you've been looking for.